
Ishikawa diagram - Cause and Effect

In the way through 60s, there is a huge demand for quality. Later WWII companies provided the finished goods within the demand and supply. Customers or users who brought the finished products are not happy with the poor quality products. Companies, industries and manufacturing units taken this issue seriously. While trying to improve the process, they have targeted only one or two sector. They are unable to find out which one they need to target and how they need to target.

In this time Professor Ishikawa worked on this cause and effect. He started to drive the solution based on the events in industries. He found that the problems are driven through the causes. He split up the causes which are driving the effects at end. Before analyzing, how big is the problem, he started to find out, what are the causes for these issues.

With his research and the events which he gone through, he split up the cause and effects. He found that the issue or an event will not be only monitored on one side, this should viewed as a complete unit. Like,

Step 1
What kind of Equipments they are using
What kind of Materials/Raw materials are considered

Step 2
What are the process to get the job done (Methods)
What are the environmental factors they are going through (Mother nature factors to be included)

Step 3
People factors (Demography, locations etc.,)
Management structure

He found above factors are driving any kind of event or a problem. If one have to draw the cause and efffect diagram (Ishikawa Diagram), he need to draw the line from left to right and adding the above factors as a fishbone as shown in the diagram. Later people modified the steps according to their needs. But in 70s Ishikawa provided a lot more to TQM. This fish-bone diagram revolutionized the modern management and started the quality management.

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